Legacy Cram Fighter System Retirement (Pre-2022)

As you may already know, Cram Fighter moved to a new platform in January 2022. The legacy Cram Fighter system will be retired in 2023.

What does this mean for you?

Monthly Subscribers

After December 31, 2022, you will no longer be able to continue your current Cram Fighter subscription. December 31st will be the final day for any monthly subscription charges. 

Email us at cramfighter@blueprintprep.com for 50% off 6 months in our new and improved Cram Fighter platform, or your first month free of a new subscription.

Package Purchasers (1 & 2 Years of Access)

After March 1, 2023, you will no longer be able to extend or access your account.

If your current account access expires before March 1st, email us at cramfighter@blueprintprep.com for 50% off 6 months in our new and improved Cram Fighter platform, or your first month free of a new monthly subscription.

If your current access expires after March 1st, please email us at cramfighter@blueprintprep.com so we can help you with your next steps!

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