How to prevent tasks being scheduled on a particular day of the week

Cram Fighter users often choose to leave one day per week open. For example, you might choose to focus on questions on Sunday and take a break from reading tasks. Alternatively, you might choose to schedule a catch-up day to focus on tasks you may be overdue for that week. 


Omitting a resource on a given day

To take a break from a given resource on a particular day of the week, go to the  Edit page and select  hours/week next to the resource of your choice. Now you can choose to set your hours to zero for the day of the week of your choice. This will distribute the tasks for that day over the rest of the week. You may also find helpful our tutorial video: How Cram Fighter uses study hours.

Setting a catch-up day or an unscheduled day

Go to the  Edit page and scroll down to Unscheduled days for the study block of your choice. Follow the link to set a recurring catch-up day. Choose a day of the week from the drop down menu, and choose how often you would like this catch-up day to repeat throughout your study block. For example, you might create a catch-up day on every 2nd Sunday. You can also turn this feature off on this page by setting the frequency to never.

Cram Fighter also allows you to set Unscheduled days so you can record vacation time, schedule practice exam dates, or simply add a free day to your study schedule. To do this, click Add a day off and choose a date from the calendar.

Unscheduled days:

If you have overlapping study blocks, unscheduled days will apply to all of them. Catch-up days are study block- and exam-specific.

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