Undoing a schedule change

Unfortunately undoing a schedule change is not possible at this time. However, you can follow these tips to avoid unexpected changes to your schedule.

Tip #1: Redistributing overdue tasks
We recommend thinking of your schedule as fluid. Cram Fighter is best used as a way to keep your tasks on track, even when your schedule doesn't go according to plan. For this reason, Cram Fighter allows users to redistribute overdue tasks. Clicking Edit and then Rebalance schedule will give you the option to evenly distribute your overdue tasks over the rest of your schedule or to Leave your overdue tasks where they are. Make sure this condition is checked before rebalancing, if you want to prevent the redistribution of your overdue tasks. Keep in mind, Rebalancing cannot be undone.
Tip #2: Making changes to your schedule
If you make changes to your schedule on the Edit page you will see the button Recalculate & view schedule appear. Every time you make a change, such as adding or removing a resource, you will need to recalculate your schedule before viewing the finished product. This is because adding or removing resources will affect how much you need to do each day in order to finish by the study block's end date. When you recalculate, you will still be given the option to Leave your overdue tasks where they are.
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